Three Things Every Wind Player Needs ( have in their gig bag.) | Tromba De Webber


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Three Things Every Wind Player Needs (…to have in their gig bag.)

Three Things Every Wind Player NeedsWhat are the most essential items in a musician’s gig bag? Are there three items that an instrumental musician just couldn’t do without at a paid rehearsal or performance? Good question. Upon further cogitation, the following two qualifiers have been imposed: A.) each item must be of use to any and all wind players, so things like valve oil and key grease are OUT!, and B.) each item must be small enough to be contained in a case or gig bag. The ensuing revelation has become sufficiently apparent … make sure to bring these three easy to find items with you on every gig:

1. A Soft Lead Pencil with Eraser

You’ve just got to have a few sharp soft lead pencils in your gig bag. Be prepared to make lots of notes. There can be lots of changes to the written music so when you are gigging everyday, you will want all of the help that you can get remembering specific instruction. prefer mechanical pencils that do not need to be sharpened. Snooping eyes will be sure to spot a whole zip-lock bag full of mechanical pencils, erasers and lead re-fills in my gig bag.

2. Water, Water and More Water

Water is an essential part of on-the-gig survival. Doctors recommend drinking lots of it, and for brass players, water may be the best way to keep a moist mouth. Here in the Rockies hydration is a chore. The air is dry and the wind is a constant barrage on the chops. Consuming lots of water helps avoid chapped lips as well.

3. Grab A Hand Towel or Two!

You’ll want one for sure! I have a great hand towel that looks like a page of sheet music and I take it to every gig. It frequently appears in a wash load and then right back into my case. A hand towel is versatile and if you are prone to spills or messes of any kind, you can even stuff two or three terry towels down into that gig bag somewhere!

Well, that’s my list of three, please leave a comment and let me know what things you have in your gig bag that you just couldn’t live without, I’m sure that there are many other items that should have made the cut!


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