Trumpet Fingering Chart for the C Blues Scale (Concert B-flat Blues) | Tromba De Webber


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Trumpet Fingering Chart for the C Blues Scale (Concert B-flat Blues)

Why you need to learn the C Blues Scale

Learning the blues scale in the key of ‘C’ is fun and will help you to infuse a hip sound into your trumpet playing.

Check out the video of Basing Street Blues (below) and notice how the soloist, James Morrison is using the sounds of the blues. Getting more well acquainted with the blues will allow you to expand your capacity to communicate through your instrument (musicality)!

“Basin Street Blues”

James Morrison, trumpet & piano

The C Blues Scale

Notes: C / Eb / F / F# / G / Bb / C

Fingerings: ooo / oxx / xoo / oxo / ooo / xoo / ooo

ooo / oxo / xoo / oxo / ooo / xoo / ooo (8va)

I recommend a daily trumpet practice routine that includes a healthy dose of “The Buzzing Book” by Dr. James Thompson (The Eastman School of Music).

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